Golden Gate Language Schools

Open the Door for Success

TOEFL Courses & Waiver

TOEFL & Waiver

Success On The TOEFL

TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) is a standardized English proficiency test used by colleges and universities as part of their entrance requirements for international students.

Golden Gate Language Schools offers a selection of TOEFL preparation courses. All classes focus on strategies, language review and test taking skills to improve your score.

TOEFL Waiver - Guaranteed Transfer Program

Golden Gate Language School maintains a formal transfer agreement with several regional and national universities and colleges. Affiliate institutions will accept, without TOEFL scores, applicants who have satisfactorily completed level 12 of the GGLS Intensive English Program. Guaranteed transfer assumes that other GGLS and affiliate institution requirements have been met.

Affiliate Colleges And Universities
Affiliated Two-Year Institutions Offering Certificate Program And Associate Degrees:
Affiliated Four-Year Institutions Offering Bachelor'S And Mater'S Degrees:

I went through the GGLS Guaranteed Transfer Program and I am now in my second year of college. My time at GGLS prepared me well for college classes as my 3.5 GPA shows

– Yusuke C. ( Japan )

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